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Newb in Tennessee
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Author:  TeleShield [ Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Newb in Tennessee

Greetings folks. I'm starting an LMI mat'ls package that will become an OM-28, hopefully.

I bought the "kit" in May, trying to get a leg up on inflation, knowing that it would be mid-summer before actually starting work due to other guitar projects currently in work.

When I put the sides in the LMI form (very disappointed there), the ends were really springing back despite having been held together by LMI's packaging (pretty good).

Additionally, and this is what's REALLY bothering me, both sides are cupped just enough to give me grave concern.

I wonder if there are any builders in the Nashville/Middle Tennessee area who'd be willing to let bring what I've got to them and seek their counsel.

I'd be grateful for y'all's input, of course.

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