turmite wrote:
Ken does the newer Bobcad have the ability to save as different files? I know my older version could only save as .cad, .dgn and .dxf. Can your version save a iges, stl, dwg, or even Rhino's 3dm?
I understand they can open 3dms so I am curious about saving as.
Anyway, if you can get this done, let me know and I will give you my email address, send it to me and I will flip it for you. One other thing you might try is to do a mirror image in the z axis, assuming Bobcad can do that. My older version could do x/y but not z!
I have the latest version (22) and it can save as
stp- step
so it pretty much covers all bases and is interchangeable between different CAD programs.
The only problem is that when I receive a program written in one of the other programs, it is MOST difficult to modify those files and any additional items added to another program's files cant be blended together. That may be because of inexperience on my part, but if it can be done I havent figured out how to do it.
I did manage to get this particular item flipped over so that could cut the other side.