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Electrolysis to clean old tuners?
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Author:  dpetrzelka [ Thu Jan 25, 2018 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Electrolysis to clean old tuners?

Dan at StewMac just posted a video about using electrolysis to clean a filthy tune-o-matic bridge:

Reminded me of Frank Fords post about it on

I've used electrolysis to clean countless old planes, and other rusted steel - but its always been single pieces of metal, not assemblies, or mixed metal.

Have any of you used this on rusted/crusty/corroded tuning machines? I have some that are a little rough —not so bad as to throw away, but some rust/corrosion spots that would be good to clean. Obviously it would be critical to thoroughly rise and neutralize the salt water that gets into the machines.

Any thoughts about using this process for cleaning tuning machines as they did with the tune-o-matic?

Author:  jfmckenna [ Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Electrolysis to clean old tuners?

Interesting. I would not have thought it would work on parts like that because of the plating they have on them. I have a vintage bicycle collection and often times you get old corroded parts. A soak in an acid solution using something like wood bleach (oxiolic acid) cleans them up real good.

Author:  dpetrzelka [ Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Electrolysis to clean old tuners?

I had the same concern about the effect of electrolysis on plating - I've only ever used this process on bare/rusted steel.

jfmckenna wrote:
Interesting. I would not have thought it would work on parts like that because of the plating they have on them. I have a vintage bicycle collection and often times you get old corroded parts. A soak in an acid solution using something like wood bleach (oxiolic acid) cleans them up real good.

Author:  phavriluk [ Sun Jan 28, 2018 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Electrolysis to clean old tuners?

That bridge that was cleaned for the video was all metal, no bits of anything not metal. Tuner buttons may not be metal, and I've seen what look like non-metallic grommets/washers right below the tuner button. Problem?

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