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Tenor in Sapele picture set
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Author:  Allen McFarlen [ Sat May 27, 2017 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Tenor in Sapele picture set

I've several sets of this Bees Wing figured Sapele, but the first time I've used any of it. Was quite easy to work with and sure does look nice under finish. It's much stiffer and harder than any other Sapele that I've used to date.

The trim is Indian Rosewood, with Huon Pine in the Rosette and bridge detail. Schertler machine heads that are incredibly silky smooth. K&K Aloha Twin pickup and strung with a low G. Finished in satin gloss lacquer.

Bees Wing Sapele-4.jpg

Bees Wing Sapele-7.jpg

Bees Wing Sapele-9.jpg

Bees Wing Sapele-12.jpg

Bees Wing Sapele-13.jpg

Bees Wing Sapele-16.jpg

Bees Wing Sapele-2.jpg

Author:  Pmaj7 [ Mon May 29, 2017 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tenor in Sapele picture set

Looks good Allen! How does it sound comparatively? Have you built something similar with Honduran?

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

Author:  Allen McFarlen [ Mon May 29, 2017 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tenor in Sapele picture set

Yes, I've built dozens in Honduran. Several in much more plain figure Sapele. There was a drastic change in tone, volume and projection in the first few days after strings went on. I had to send it out to the client that wanted it for a gig this Friday. I would presume it will continune to settle in and be every bit as nice as Honduran is.

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