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martin 000 guitar kit conversion - please help
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Author:  squeeksox [ Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  martin 000 guitar kit conversion - please help

I purchased a Martin 000 guitar kit.
as seen here: ... etail.html

i want to make a classical guitar, but already bought this kit.
I have good woodworking skills.
Is it possible, do you think, that I order a classical guitar neck and saddle, and turn this thing into a classical guitar?

Would this be extremely difficult, or not that bad?

Thanks for reading and thanks for your help.

Author:  johnparchem [ Wed Jan 07, 2015 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: martin 000 guitar kit conversion - please help

You could make a nylon string guitar in the shape of a 000, minimally by change the bracing pattern on the top to a fan brace, flatten the neck angle to 90 degrees and glue on a classical guitar bridge.

You could also get a classical neck with a Spanish neck joint and make that work also in the shape of a 000. Given that the sides are already bent and rosettes installed I would not try to convert the shape to a more classical shape.

My recommendation though would be to build the kit as it is then get a classical kit for your next guitar.

Author:  Freeman [ Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: martin 000 guitar kit conversion - please help

Martin does make a couple of 000 sized nylon string guitars that aren't "classicals" in the true sense of the word - they are X braced, have a dovetail neck joint, and slightly narrower neck than a true classical. ... -fret.html

Classical tie bridges are available but finding a premade neck that will work will be problematic. It won't be a true classical and there is no telling what it will sound like.

My suggestion is to sell the Martin kit - that is a popular size and shape - and buy one of the nice classicals on the market. Check out LMI's kit wizard for several good options.

Author:  Hesh [ Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: martin 000 guitar kit conversion - please help

Get a classical kit and sell the OOO.

So very many things need to be changed that you will be chasing your tail and hate the experience... Sure it can be done but it will be like my first motorcycle that I bought when I was 16. It was an enduro, you could ride it on or off road and it sucked at both....

Author:  kencierp [ Thu Jan 08, 2015 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: martin 000 guitar kit conversion - please help

Ditto Hesh

Author:  squeeksox [ Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: martin 000 guitar kit conversion - please help

thanks for helping me out everyone.

Author:  stan t [ Thu Feb 19, 2015 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: martin 000 guitar kit conversion - please help

You can do it. You might be better off however getting a classical kit and building that. It is more than just some nuance of shape and placement of the bridge. There are however classical guitars out there with bodies that dovetail and even bolt on. If want to build one, check out Robbie O'Brian online class.

Author:  Quine [ Fri Feb 27, 2015 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: martin 000 guitar kit conversion - please help

I guess you could make a classical out of it....but it will be tricky at every stage. Here's the big items you'll have to change....
1. Pick a scale length and figure out where the neck/body joint and bridge will be. You want to keep the bridge in about the same position as the 000, plus or minus 1/4" or so. I'd keep the same scale length as the kit
2. The classical neck is wider so you might need a wider neck block. Bolt on or dovetail is fine
3. Make a new neck. I don't think you can find one for sale that will work
4. Adapt a classical bracing pattern to fit the 000 top. Make sure the bridge patch is in the right location
5. Cut a new fingerboard per the scale length and flatter radius

Its all do-able, just harder than assembling a kit

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