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1st build
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Author:  samrw [ Sat Apr 07, 2012 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  1st build

Hello, this is my 1st build, and its from a kit. Its a solidbody PRS like guitar from Grizzly. I've had the kit for 3 yrs. waiting until I was ready to try it. Well I started it. I have sanded and sealed the body and neck and started with tinted lacquer. When I started sanding I realized there was no binding on body. After looking at bits and all, decided to do faux binding. Then came up with idea of using pastel white stain on binding area. I thought the tinted lacquer would cover up where I didn't want binding. After taping and spraying several coats now I realize it won't. Not completely. I've enclosed pictures. Any idea of what I should do next. A couple of ideas I had was 1) to leave it, don't reallylook that bad. 2) use some black paint and paint edge of body only with. Any other ideas would be appreciated. Please look and see how I am doing with build. Thanks, Sammy. Having trouble with photos. I'll fix and post soon.

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