Official Luthiers Forum!

2008 OLF Swapmeet-palooza RULES -- READ FIRST
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Author:  LanceK [ Fri May 16, 2008 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  2008 OLF Swapmeet-palooza RULES -- READ FIRST

Announcing the Summer 2008 OLF Swapmeet-palooza

June 2nd – 9th, the OLF will host one of our semi annual swap meets. These are very fun and very popular and this is a great opportunity for everyone to either sell off the stuff in your shop you no longer use, don't want, or must have been out of your mind to purchase in the first place. And, likewise, these are a great place to buy just the thing you have been looking for, more wood (because afterall… you just can't have too much wood), tools, books, and other great stuff.

The swap meet will be conducted in special discussion forums that PRE AUTHORIZED sellers will have the ability to post products to. The threads will be unlocked so that discussion can ensue during the sale. We ask that each seller ONLY operate a single discussion and that there is no extraneous threads within this discussion (we will just delete them if they are started). The idea is to keep this as clean as possible so it is easy to find and buy the products you are looking for.

Additionally, we are changing the way the fees work (again). We made it too complex last time, and this time we are going with an inexpensive, flat rate model which should be appropriate for any budget.

Individual Members (non-commercial) $20

Sellers (Sponsor level) $50

Sellers (Promoter or above level) $Free

Sellers (Non OLF sponsors) $100

Each seller must contact Brock or I and be pre paid and pre approved before the launch of the swap meet. If you have something to sell just send Brock or I a PM or email to let me know, and the fee MUST be paid IN ADVANCE via PAY PAL to

Brock and I are very excited about this. These are always a lot of fun, and we seem to do a lot of business during these events.


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