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First student finished
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Author:  Colin North [ Thu Mar 22, 2018 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  First student finished

Meet Mark who build this 12 string OM with me.
Turned out well, both of us were very happy with it.
And we have both learned a lot from the build.

Author:  bcombs510 [ Thu Mar 22, 2018 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First student finished

Nice work, Colin. I'm glad to see you taking on some students. I'll be back in Dundee in a few months. Let's meet up!

Author:  Colin North [ Thu Mar 22, 2018 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First student finished

Love to Brad!

Author:  Joe Beaver [ Thu Mar 22, 2018 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First student finished

I helped a friend build his first guitar here, in my tiny work area, last year. It is a good feeling.

Author:  wolfsearcher [ Thu Mar 22, 2018 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First student finished

Chuffed, he looks
What a pleasure to help a friend make such a stunning guitar
I think you'll be quite a busy man, by the looks of things

Is this an avenue your venturing on, or has long conversations been exchanged, between Mark and yourself ?

Mark's obviously good with his hands, has he had knowledge of some basics before, or was it a case of
That's very delicate, always explaining be careful of the tools, kinda thing.

Do you have a filter for folks who need to learn some basics, like advising them to watch some videos like....
Rob Cosman, David Charlesworth, Phil Lowe Etc?

What a good vibe gallery that would make, like what Robbie OBrien has
More power to you


Author:  Colin North [ Thu Mar 22, 2018 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First student finished

I think Mark was pretty chuffed actually.
BTW he is also a good player, on several different instruments.
He has already made some (A type mandolin, mandola, violin, electric guitar or two) some years ago, some even playable, but they seem to have been a bit rough and he had difficulties getting neck angles to work and some other details.
Now he has retired and was thinking he might up the hobby again, so approached me at an event where I was displaying. I offered courses and he is not set up with a shop yet.
Yes, he is good with his hands, but "the devil is in the details" as they say. Like getting tools actually sharp..... (I did all of that)
I enjoyed teaching people a trade, hands on, in a previous life (welltesting, mainly offshore) so when I started this gig, I thought I would iike to help others to build their own guitars.
I am fairly informed on the safety side of things (health and safety was a large part of my responsibility offshore) and was brought up with an model engineering society workshop (metal and woodwork) established by my grandfather on the family premises, so have worked with handtools since I started to walk.
Oh, and I am also fully insured as a business to give instrument building classes, and I provide appropriate training, advice and safety equipment as required.

Author:  wolfsearcher [ Thu Mar 22, 2018 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First student finished

Now, that's how you do things [clap]

That being the first one at a best case scenario.....someone with experienced chops
have you another person(s) with similar experience lined up?

Seems like your aiming/kitted out for whatever experience comes up,
(catering for all types of student) by the sounds of things.

I wish you well in this endeavour


Author:  Trevor Gore [ Thu Mar 22, 2018 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First student finished

Colin North wrote:
I enjoyed teaching people a trade, hands on, in a previous life (welltesting, mainly offshore) so when I started this gig, I thought I would iike to help others to build their own guitars.

So you likely bumped into one or other of my brothers out there...

Author:  Colin North [ Thu Mar 22, 2018 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First student finished

No-one else lined up at the moment, but Mark did say he would be recommending me to anyone who might be interested.
Thank you for your well wishes wolfsearcher.

Author:  Colin North [ Thu Mar 22, 2018 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First student finished

Trevor Gore wrote:
Colin North wrote:
I enjoyed teaching people a trade, hands on, in a previous life (welltesting, mainly offshore) so when I started this gig, I thought I would iike to help others to build their own guitars.

So you likely bumped into one or other of my brothers out there...

Bumped into a whole lotta people, but dont recall any Gores, not that I knew the last name of everyone I met.
You get on first name terms pretty quick offshore unless they're big bosses maybe.

Author:  Colin North [ Thu Mar 22, 2018 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: First student finished

Joe Beaver wrote:
I helped a friend build his first guitar here, in my tiny work area, last year. It is a good feeling.

Nice one Joe, gotta be fun helping a friend like that.

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